Klare Bibelauslegung

Biblische Lehre des ersten Jahrhunderts n Chr

The sound doctrine of the Bible (Titus 1,9)

"If you believe in Jesus Christ the Word of God becomes effective in you. As you are at the living God´s disposal, the Word of God becomes effective at you, in you and through you." W. Bergmann

Welcome to "Clear Bible interpretation"!

The emphasis of this site is not on the human Werner Bergmann, but what Jesus Christ did preach through him and gave a living example of: the biblical teaching.

It was lost from the second century on. Yet the faithful Lord gave light to some Brethren, also John Nelson Darby and Bergmann, who preached the biblical teaching more and more precisely.

The biblical teaching - the teaching of the Bible - begins with the right interpretation of God´s Word and continues in a walk faithful to Christ - the walk in the spirit. Like the Gospel adresses all people does the living God also wish to see all His ones to walk spiritually.

Gospel and big questions of life

Every human longs to know why there is grief and harm in this world as well as the meaning of life, and asks himself what comes afterwards.